Monday, November 8, 2021

7 Tips for Registering for College Classes

1. Checkout your options and review the catalog. Make sure to refer to your degree plan and keep your core classes in mind when it comes to picking and choosing courses.

2. One of the most important tips I have for you is to visit your advisor, even after the initial green lighting appointment. This is to alleviate any stress you may have leading up to registration. Your advisors are available to answer any questions and if you can’t get a hold of your advisor contact the professors who teach the classes you want to take.

3. Another tip I have for you is to create a schedule that works for YOU. Try to spread the classes out to where it allows you time for studying and other activities each day. With the new registering system it makes it easy to see when there is a conflict with your classes so make sure you pay attention to that when looking for classes.

4. Maintain a balance. Try to choose classes that require different types of work and styles. Try to mix and match between your hard sciences, math courses, and English courses with soft subjects like psychology, art, and sociology. This mix of courses allows you to make sure you don’t end up having 5 papers and a bunch of lab reports and math problems to do in the same week or day.

5. Figure out if you are a morning person. The best thing about college is that the classes do not necessarily have ONE set time. There are usually multiple times for a given class. So don’t think of it like high school where your first class has to start at 8am.

6. Getting off the waitlist. When you go to register for a class and you see you are on the waitlist do not panic. There is usually a way you can get in. The most impactful way I have found to get off the waitlist is to email the professor of the course I am waitlisted for. I explain the need of this class (is it a prerequisite for a class next semester, is it not offered in a frequent rotation, and any other considerations) and ask for the professor to consider taking me off the waitlist.

7. We never want a class to not workout, but sometimes that can’t be helped. The most important thing to note is when the DROP/ADD deadline for the specific course.

I hope these tips provide you with a starting point when thinking about registering for your college classes. Happy scheduling!

- Tes

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7 Tips for Registering for College Classes

1. Checkout your options and review the catalog. Make sure to refer to your degree plan and keep your core classes in mind when it comes to...