Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Getting / Staying Organized

The school semester can get very hectic and while it is important to stay organized right from the beginning, it’s never too late to get organized. Being organized can greatly reduce some of the day to day stresses in our lives. There are a few areas to start with when trying to get organized: calendar / to - do list, notes, class materials.

The Calendar:
Putting your class schedule and other meetings / appointments on your calendar can help you see when you are available. This helps when you are trying to make other plans and can give you a visual to see when you have free time to work on homework or get other things done.

A To - Do List:
Creating a to - do list at the beginning of every week can really help you prioritize what things need to be done by the end of the week. Instead of playing it day by day, you can start breaking down large assignments into smaller pieces or study for a test throughout the week rather than just the day before.

Having good note taking abilities is very important. It can make reviewing the material later a lot simpler. One way to do this is to be consistent on how you take notes. Whether it is by hand or electronically, make sure you can find them all in the same place. Also, be consistent with formatting, no matter how you chose to organize the material on the page, make sure it is the same throughout the course.

Class Materials:
Keeping your binders, notebooks and other school supplies organized can make accessing your materials later easier. It can also keep your dorm room neater as well. Keeping everything clean and simplified makes it easier to store on your desk or in your bookbag.

- Rachel

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